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Keeping His Children—and God—Top of Mind
Despite the challenges he’s facing—being away from his children and working on his recovery—Fitim seems to always have a smile on his face. His positivity comes from peace, he explains, because after two years of drug use and jail time, Fitim is healthy and looking forward to a new start. “I’m glad that God sent…
David Feels A Spiritual Shift While Recovering At The Mission
David smoked marijuana for the first time when he was 10 and graduated to hard drugs after high school. He has overdosed nine times. He’s taken four ambulance rides. But he’s still alive. “The Lord said, ‘No. There’s something for you.’ And it took a long time for me to say, ‘OK, Lord, I’m going…
Volunteer Spotlight: Deborah Has A Heart For The Underserved
When you share what God has done for you, it gives people hope, and it inspires change. That’s what Deborah, a volunteer at the Lighthouse for Women & Children, believes. She’s been volunteering there for years now, holding a class to support women who are struggling with myriad issues. “I’ve always had a heart for…
A Commitment To Reconnect
Jennifer grew up in an environment she calls “dysfunctional.” Her mom was sober when she was going to church, but would stop attending—and start drinking—often. Her parents never married and all of her aunts and uncles used drugs and drank regularly. “I was probably 13 when I first tried marijuana, and I was 15 when…
A Calling To Get Clean, And Serve
Jamaal grew up in a large Christian family: his mother and stepfather, five sisters and one brother. They all went to church, he and his siblings to private school. “My mom did everything to train us up in God,” Jamaal said with a laugh. They were also warned to stay away from drugs. Jamaal’s mother…
Feelings Of Emptiness, Hopelessness Fuel Bad Choices
Joey was born to parents who were happily married. They didn’t drink or use drugs. They worked and took their children to church every Sunday. Despite his traditional upbringing and supportive family, Joey felt something was missing. He started rebelling early, trying marijuana when he was 12. “I remember when I first even discovered the…
Rebuilding Life One Piece At A Time
In Trenidad’s 52 years, he built a life for himself—and watched it all fall apart around him. Now, as a member of the Mission’s Fresh Start program, he is committed to putting the pieces back together. Trenidad was born in 1965, the oldest boy of six children. “We were a very tight knit family,” Trenidad…
Trading Crystal Meth and Auto Theft for a New Life
When Cody was a little boy, his mom would leave him alone for long stretches of time. There wasn’t much food, and he never knew where she was going or how long she’d be gone. When Cody was 5, his sister was born, and he cared for her often in his mother’s absence. “I never…
Ready Now
Autumn came to the Lighthouse 17 years ago. She wasn’t ready then and ended up leaving. But, after a series of horrifying relationships and drug abuse, Autumn returned. “I’m ready now. I have a teachable spirit and am ready to be still and learn more about God. I never got to learn about God when…
An American Dream Turned Nightmare
I was raised just like any other kid. My parents both worked full time, so we had a comfortable life. We would go on vacations and lived the normal American dream. I started to rebel at about 14 and went full on in my junior year of High School. I wanted to make my own…
Out of the Miry Clay
“I met this guy named Jimmy. He was in the Fresh Start Program. He told me, ‘Instead of staying in your car, why don’t you come to the mission?’ At first I was resistant. Time went on and that is when my car broke down. I couldn’t stay in my car anymore. I prayed about…
Running on Empty
“I heard about the Lighthouse through my grandparents, they knew someone who worked here. I had a feeling that the Lighthouse might be where I needed to go. I was hesitant because the program is nine months, but then I decided to try it; I was tired of running,” states Kuliah. Her running began as…