Help for Women & Children
The Lighthouse provides a fresh start to women and children who are experiencing homelessness by offering shelter and recovery programs in a comfortable, home-like setting. Our commitment to you is to be hospitable and helpful. We believe that every person who comes to us is a gift and it is truly our pleasure to develop a meaningful relationship with you and your children. We’ll provide you with the tools you need to get back on your feet and transition into stable housing. We also host field trips and special events so your time here is exciting and fun. It is our hope that you and your children experience hope and healing at the Mission.
It is important that you know that we are a faith-based organization. That means that we provide some religious services and encourage you to pay attention to your spiritual needs as well as your physical and emotional needs. We serve all people regardless of what you believe.

Learn More about the Lighthouse for Women & Children
Our Lighthouse Emergency Shelter is a 24-hour, seven days a week shelter offered to single women and mothers with children...
The Lighthouse Life Recovery Program is ideal for single women and mothers with children...
The Lighthouse Internship Program is a two-year residential education program for Lighthouse Life Recovery Program graduates...
The Lighthouse Transitional Living Program is a two-year transitional housing program for Lighthouse Life Recovery Program graduates...