Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Infusion of Hope Found at the Mission

After being injured on the job, he lost his livelihood. Even though supported by Worker’s Compensation, between lawyers, doctors, insurance companies, and physical therapists, Robert wasn’t able to pay his bills. He says, “I ended up homeless. I tried working on ranches and doing odd jobs up in Santa Clarita. I got so tired of it. I gave up. I sat in a pity pot for a while,” says Robert. Until one day, “I cried out to God for help. The next thing
I knew I was in another program and then on my way to the mission here.”
“I like this program because you can work, donate some of your time, and be able to receive the Word of God. I like to donate my time at the thrift stores, Angel House, and the Lighthouse. I am in the Fresh Start Program, have an outside job, am catching up on my debts, and trying to save to be on my own,” states Robert. “Fresh Start allows you to get yourself together, get yourself on track so that you will be ready to go back to society with confidence.
I like the way people treat each other here, it’s a great community. The chaplains always want to lend a hand. I have changed spiritually for the better. I have learned to reach out to others, to share what I have learned, and sometimes just to give positive advice or encouragement.”
Robert’s life has been infused with hope. His relationship with his daughter is improving, he is planning to attend culinary arts school, is involved in a vibrant community of faith, and is reaching out to others; pointing them in a positive direction.
Thanks for giving to the mission where there is rest for the weary and hope for the broken hearted.
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