Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Where are They Now?

As important as it is to provide food, shelter, and clothing to the poor, it’s just as important to equip the men and women who are coming into our Life Recovery Programs with vocational training. This is to provide sustainable employment for them and their families. In the last 14 months, we have been tracking our graduates from the Life Recovery Programs and here are some of the current stats:
• 89% are clean and sober
• 96% are housed instead of homeless
• 82% are attending church
Also, many have found employment in the following: restaurants, automotive, home improvement stores, warehouses, maintenance, security, call centers, and as hired staff of the Ventura County Rescue Mission.
Andrew and his wife, both graduates of our Life Recovery Programs, were married here at the Mission.Andrew is currently employed at an auto body shop. They are happy and grateful for the Ventura County Rescue Mission and Lighthouse for Women & Children.
Anthony Guerrero entered the program in August of 2014. He managed to hide his addiction from his family for a long time.His wife and family supported his decision to enter the Life Recovery Program as he acknowledged he would need help. While in our ten month program he was able to have weekly visits with his wife and children while learning through classes and counseling how to overcome substance abuse.
Upon graduation Anthony moved back in with his wife and two adorable daughters. Anthony is working as Director of Operations for a large metal cutting service company and doing very well.
Within months of graduation Anthony brought a friend, Bryan to the Mission who also needed help overcoming addiction. Bryan also graduated the Life Recovery Program in 2015 and is now back with his family and working full time.
Daniel Ochoa entered the program in January of 2012. During his time at the Mission he learned how to be the husband and father his family needed him to be.
Immediately following his graduation ceremony Daniel and his wife Jaymee renewed their vows with their son Adam by their side at the mission.
Now, over five years later Daniel is working hard at his job for a car dealership in Santa Barbara, as a Service Advisor. Jaymee recently was able to leave her job working in the legal field for 20 years and is finishing school to get her degree and raise their son Adam.
They are very grateful for what the Rescue Mission has done for Daniel’s recovery and keeping their family together.
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