Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
VIP volunteers

They call themselves “Being About Our Father’s Business” and have been coming to serve with the Rescue Mission for 12 years. Though members have come and gone over the years, the core group remains committed to “doing God’s work” and to “ministering to those that we are called to love.”
Anna, who has been with the group for eight years, has been especially affected by seeing the men grow and change over the months and years. “It’s amazing to watch God at work in the lives of the men here,” she said.
Whether it’s serving meals, helping with special events, or demonstrating to our men what it means to follow the call of the Holy Spirit, these volunteers truly shine. As founding member Jackie puts it, “We feel so blessed to get to be here every month. This is our family and it’s like coming home each time we arrive. More people should have this blessing as well.”

Christina Rollins
For the past five years, Christina has been coming to the Lighthouse to teach and mentor the residents. Currently working through a book on setting boundaries, Christina is helping her students learn about positive and healthy relationships, strengthen their recovery, and find restoration.
“I love Christina’s class!” said Melanie, a current Lighthouse resident. “It’s so easy to understand and I remember what she taught me.” Working as a mentor “allows me to use the gifts and talents that God has given me to help others,” Christina said, “while strengthening my own recovery practice.”
After a recent session with Christina, program resident Olivia said, “I love Christina. I’m so blessed that she’s my mentor.” Having volunteers that can teach, mentor, and bless the women at the Lighthouse is a vital part of helping to change their lives for the good.
In the end, Christina is changed as well. “The women I serve bless me so much that I leave better than when I came.”

Kate Ramos
On Thursdays at the Lighthouse, you can find volunteer Kate hard at work in the kitchen. She helps to provide snacks and lunches for the program residents and shelter guests, often preparing over 200 meals during her four monthly visits.
Kate is also an integral part of the Culinary Arts Vocational training program, teaching the program residents “to prepare nourishing meals and care for themselves and their families through food.” Explaining why she volunteers, Kate said: “I believe that when women do better, we all do better. God has given me the gift of cooking and it’s my duty to share that with the world.”
Working alongside Kate brings joy to those she teaches as well. “Kate often makes food that we have never heard of but it’s always good,” said program resident Melanie, “and she is teaching us to be ready for when we get our own places.” Echoing a theme common with most of our volunteers, Kate added: “I truly believe I get more out of volunteering than I am giving.”

Bob Dexter
Bob is one of our longer serving volunteers, and arguably our most versatile. He teaches, speaks, counsels, mentors, and works in our kitchen on Thursday nights. When asked why he continues to give so much time and energy to us after 15 years of service, Bob explained his philosophy of work: “I don’t think we should ever retire but instead keep working for the Lord in whatever way we can until he calls us home. That’s what I intend to do.”
And he lives this by teaching his 9-week Money Management course both at the Rescue Mission and the Lighthouse on a year-round basis, while also teaching the Old Testament to our residents, and mentoring some of our men.
“I love this ministry and what it does to change lives and I get to be a small part of this,” Bob said. “My favorite part has to be just getting to talk to the program men during dinner and to hear their stories.”
And based on the reception he gets when volunteers are introduced, Bob is a favorite of our men as well.

Stuart Baker
Stuart has a true heart for serving. He has been volunteering monthly with Gold Coast Church since 2006 and he is never without a smile. “I feel a real joy in serving others, especially those who are hurting or struggling,” says Stuart.
Throughout the years, Gold Coast Church has worked in our kitchen, served at Thanksgiving, and helped at our Christmas event. And after a break during the pandemic, church members have been coming every couple of months to do worship nights with our men.
For Stuart, though, the best part of volunteering is getting to know our men and developing relationships with them. “I am so blessed to be a witness to the life changes that are happening at the Rescue Mission and I feel that in a small way I am part of that,” he says.
Beyond the regular nights of volunteering, Stuart and his church are always willing to help with our needs, whether its donations of shower shoes, clothing, or hygiene. We are truly grateful for their partnership with us.
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