Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
True Riches

Daniel grew up with money. His father was successful financially and growing up, his family had everything they needed. Yet Daniel showed up at the mission lost. He says, “I came in here with a pair of work boots and a camouflage hat, just lost…I didn’t know what to do.”
He grew up going to Sunday school, but that influence lost out to the thousands of dollars’ worth of cocaine he purchased on his 18th birthday. Daniel says, “I just found the street life exciting. I got involved with a girl and we had children together. We both lived the same life style and were in and out of county jails. After a while, I couldn’t find my way out of this life. My mom told me once that when I was in prison, my family felt imprisoned too.”
What money couldn’t buy and drugs couldn’t obtain, Daniel found and learned its value. He states, “There was a point in my life where something happened that
I couldn’t explain. For two nights, I found myself walking to a church. I found myself looking at this huge cross in the front. This church had been in my town all my life but I never noticed it before. As I stared at the cross, songs from when I went to Sunday school started to pour though my memory. On the third night, I went to a drug dealer’s house and as I sat with other users, the funniest thing happened. They all looked at me and said, “You don’t belong here, you need to leave, you shouldn’t be doing this.” I left and went back to the cross. I got on my knees and spoke to God. “God, you gotta help me. I know this is you,” I knew when my user friends told me to get out that it was God’s doing. After I prayed, I looked up and I saw my father driving toward me. My father said that around two in the morning he started having this strong feeling that he needed to come and look for me. I was so amazed because how does something like this happen.
I knew God’s hand was upon me.”
A family member brought him to the mission where Daniel has found true riches. He has found the riches of learning God’s Word. He has found the riches of serving others. He has found sobriety and faith. He has found himself. Daniel states, “I’m here because I want to be here. I want to be a good example and a better father. I want to give back. I am grateful for what this place has done for me.”
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