Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

It doesn’t matter how quickly one arrives, but that one arrives first. We learn this from the story of the tortoise and the hare. Destiny is running her race of life this way.
She says, “Through my life I knew God was with me.” Slowly, steadily this truth is playing out in her life. Not knowing her mother until recently, Destiny’s life meandered from pre-teen drug use to incarceration to multiple group homes, addiction, and homelessness. Destiny states, “My family disowned me and I ended up in juvenile hall. I went back and forth in many group homes. I had my son and the relationship I was in during that time was abusive, but somehow I always felt God was near my heart.”
She continues, “I thought life was just supposed to be all fun. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. I was broken and ugly inside. After having two more children, I knew it was time for change. I tried other programs, but nothing was clicking for me. I was interviewed and accepted into the Lighthouse. I now have a relationship with my mom. She is serving God and when I call her, she prays for me. God is growing my faith! I plan to graduate and get my own place and raise my children. I want to work in a group home with teen girls. I want to give back and help others like others have helped me; the biggest lesson I’ve learned here.” Slow and steady wins the race. Destiny is thankful to those who give to the Lighthouse. She states, “This program benefits us and you are a blessing to me. Thank you!”
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