Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Ready Now

Autumn came to the Lighthouse 17 years ago. She wasn’t ready then and ended up leaving. But, after a series of horrifying relationships and drug abuse, Autumn returned. “I’m ready now. I have a teachable spirit and am ready to be still and learn more about God. I never got to learn about God when I was younger. I only came to the shelter because I didn’t want to be homeless anymore, but God changed my heart. My whole outlook on life is different now. I have goals. I’m not here just because I don’t want to be homeless.”
Before homelessness, Autumn faced a series of devastating relationships and drug addiction. She states, “My most recent relationship is why I’m here at the Lighthouse. He abused me so much that he changed me. I feel like I suffer trauma from that. He tortured me, abused me, and called me every name in the book. I realize God brought me here to the Mission, but what my ex did to me is the reason I needed to be here. I feel like I lost who I was. I lost my identity and I feel like a child learning who I am again. When he was abusing me, I was also using drugs, and I feel like God’s enemy used both of those to destroy me. When he and the drugs were out of control I couldn’t take it anymore. I moved from where I was to get away from him and that lead me to the Lighthouse.”
Safe, sound, and sober since then, Autumn has learned about her true identity as a child of God. She no longer has a destroyed identity, but a new, healthy one rooted in the love of God and His people. Autumn graduated in May and is working hard to be an intern. She notes, “My goals are to provide for my son like I should have all along. Our relationship is awesome now. Our bond is back. He is taking a big interest in learning about God because he saw the change in me. I would like to be married again to the right godly man. I want to work too. I want to go back to school and explore my options.”
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