Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
A Look Back At A Joyous And Successful Year

2018 started off strong as we celebrated with six graduates from the men’s program in the month of January. Last year in total 48 men and women successfully completed the Life Recovery Program.
Of the 38 men graduating, 22 are currently employed and 18 graduates have or are serving as interns.
There have been a variety of opportunities for our clients as we work with outside agencies along with Homeless Court and One Justice to help with legal issues. Twelve of our women have reconnected with their children and many of the men have restored their once broken relationships with children and families.
In June, the Lighthouse for Women and Children celebrated the addition of a new director, Dee Frighetti. Dee brings with her experience that has been a great asset to the Lighthouse as it is often at capacity both at the shelter and the Life Recovery Program.
Our events throughout the year happen because of the partnership from our volunteers and donors like you. Over 100,000 volunteer hours were recorded last year.
We gave away Easter baskets, enjoyed a Family Day BBQ for our clients, and handed out 274 quality backpacks along with supplies to school-age children.
Nearly 200 volunteers from Ventura County came together to serve a traditional Thanksgiving meal to those less fortunate at our Great Thanksgiving Banquet.
Our annual toy giveaway “Christmas with a Mission” was enjoyed by over 400 families as they not only received a quality toy, but enjoyed family activities.
We are grateful, for without your support, we would not be able to provide over 250,000 meals to the poor and needy.
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