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Charles says ‘the future looks hopeful’ after Mission stay

Charles is originally from Indiana, but he moved with his family to California when he was just 5. His parents divorced when he was 10. He grew up in a house with his mother, stepfather and half-siblings. “I still had a great relationship with my biological father,” said Charles, who said he enjoyed fishing and camping as a kid. “I saw him as much as possible.”

Charles we to California State University, Northridge after graduating Fillmore High School. “I am just a regular guy worked as a software tech at Chevron,” he said. “I met a girl and married her and later lost everything. Even my marriage.”

Charles’ sister told him about the Mission. “I thought the Mission was only for women and children,” said Charles, who got some false information when inquiring about the Mission before. “My sister thought it would be a great place to help me get back on my feet, that they provide shelter, food, clothes, and counseling services.”

Charles entered the program 9 months ago. There were no issues transitioning into the Mission—Charles even said it “felt like summer camp.”

It was everything that I needed and was looking for,” he said. “I found a place where I could start rebuilding myself.”

The fellowship with the other men has been great, said Charles, who has known Christ since he was 7 or 8 years old. “It’s had a positive impact on me. I’m also really impressed with the food,” Charles said with a laugh. “They really feed you good and many of the men gain weight!”

Looking forward, Charles hopes to move into the Transitional Living Program and get back into the software programming field. “The future looks hopeful for me,” he said.

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