Making A Difference That Matters

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Director’s Note

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month It might surprise you to hear that in Ventura County alone, there were about 7,000 domestic violence allegations made in 2020, according to the Ventura County Family Justice Center. Domestic Violence is a massive problem in our area that often goes unnoticed and unreported. The violence often includes…

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Mission’s workforce development programs help graduates find meaningful work

Enhanced Programs in several areas are offered During a typical overnight shift in the Security Office, Bradford works to ensure the Mission’s facilities are kept safe. “I’m responsible for making sure that everyone on grounds is where they should be and that no one is here who shouldn’t be,” he said. “I monitor the cameras…

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Beatrice ‘fully commits’ to program, celebrates over one year of recovery

Grief, addiction, led her to the river bottom Beatrice wasn’t used to being indoors. After years of homelessness and living at the Santa Paula river bottom, Beatrice felt more comfortable outside. She could come and go as she pleased, pretend she was camping, and make her own rules. But it wasn’t always this way. “Grief…

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Victoria will fight for all human trafficking victims

She’s currently on full scholarship studying criminal justice It took Victoria years to realize she was trafficked by someone she loved. Victoria grew up in a household where she “knew she wasn’t wanted.” Her teenage mother was forced to marry an abusive, alcoholic man, creating a toxic home environment, and at the age of 9,…

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With new position, Robert is ‘being guided to a better future’

He’s also helping others in the program find purpose As a combat veteran who spent 14 years in the Marine Corp Infantry, RMA VC’s new Ministry Resident Robert has many stories of close calls. On a recent night, while taking a break from working with volunteers, Robert recounted the time when he and his platoon…

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Trevor overcomes addiction, becomes house manager at Mission

He’s also working on his college degree Moe was loose again. The 500-pound black bear had made it past two electric fence barriers to escape and now the staff at the zoo was attempting to get him safely back to where he belonged. Trevor and others on ATVs had corralled Moe near the gate and…

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Meet RMA VC Chaplain Reed Gibson

In 2022, Reed Gibson joined the RMA Ventura County team as a chaplain. After 20 years as an engineer, Reed decided to focus more on his heart for ministry and community. Reed uses his prior experience as a youth pastor to now “live his dream” of full-time ministry. He’s also excited to share his love…

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Susan is planning to ‘take God with her’

In 2003, Susan and her then-9-year-old daughter, Paula, were thrilled with the opportunity to move in with Susan’s son in Oxnard. Susan loved that she would be closer to her older children, and she was excited to explore an area she’d never been before. However, shortly after relocating, her son’s landlord told them they could…

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3 years post-graduation and cancer-free, ‘Life is good,’ Brian says

Entering the program on his own accord was crucial to his success Brian got his cancer diagnosis in June of last year. After troubling results on a routine screen, further tests showed that he had prostate cancer. “My heart sank when I got the news in the doctor’s office,” he recalled, “but as soon as…

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Nonprofit grows from Lighthouse volunteerism

HER Life Journey continues to bless women While Elena Rosas, a successful hairstylist in Ventura County, was thriving in her industry and growing her business, she remained unfulfilled, and began praying to God to reveal her true purpose. She wanted to find ways to use the talent and gifts the Lord had given her, and…

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Derrick leaves ‘hustler’ lifestyle behind, becomes the father God called him to be

Continuing our 2024 focus on “Engagement,” we follow Derrick as he re-engages with family, work, and church. On Sunday mornings you can find program graduate Derrick and his son Isaiah at the Church for the Nations in downtown Oxnard. This was Derrick’s childhood church, and he is overjoyed being back there and seeing his son’s…

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Program gives Delphina time to heal from years of abuse

She’s recognizing generational trauma and patterns “It’s kind of a long story,” Delphina says when asked about her upbringing. She explains her mother was “really into drugs and partying” and often cheated on her partner. Delphina and her sisters were the products of these affairs. “We all had his last name, but he never treated…

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